Millennium Partners, a developer of large-scale, mixed-use luxury properties including The Ritz-Carlton Hotel & Towers and One Charles Condominiums, engaged
CM Communications for a special research project for the development of Hayward Place, a new luxury, residential condominium building in downtown Boston.  The Agency developed a direct marketing strategy that included a multi-piece mailer with survey designed to gather data from ultra-affluent residents within the Greater Boston market. Direct marketing counsel and creative services included: campaign strategy, data analysis and list procurement; creative concept, copywriting, design and production of a direct response consumer survey to determine lifestyle preferences of prospective
condominium buyers; project management and sales lead generation for $1.5 million+ units. The program generated a 4.8% response rate - an impressive result given the industry average of 2% and considering that recipients were affluent, sophisticated individuals who are typically resistant to promotional mail.