July 2018

The Hotel Concord

July 12, 2018

Now Taking Reservations for August 24 and Beyond

Concord, NH – July 12, 2018 -- The Hotel Concord, a 38-room boutique hotel offering a new level of classic elegance and comfortable sophistication to visitors of the Granite State’s capital city, is now taking reservations for August 24th and beyond.  With its relaxed and inviting atmosphere, the new hotel epitomizes New Hampshire hospitality, while setting service standards well above other hotels in the area.  Located on the fourth and sixth floors of Capital Commons, a signature six-story Class A mixed use building overlooking the Merrimack River and the New Hampshire State House, the hotel will open in two phases.   The 21 rooms on the fourth floor will be ready for occupancy on August 24th, with 17 on the sixth floor to open in early 2019.

“We’re looking forward to bringing a world-class lodging facility to Concord and adding to the vibrancy of the city’s historic downtown district,” said Michael J. Simchik, Managing Partner of New Hampshire-based 100 Market Group, the building’s owner and developer.  “Our first floor lobby has been designed to serve as a community gathering spot. Hotel guests, building tenants, and visitors are all welcome to enjoy the space and mix and mingle. 


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